Monday, June 8, 2009

Lilac Fair- Calgary.

Spring is 'on' and Canada is gradually coming out of it's den. Now series of celebrations will sprung up all over the cities. First in the series was Lilac Festival, here in Calgary. Lilac is a name given after a tree of flowers. This tree flourishes only for a week or two in a whole year and this festival is exactly placed in that period. As a matter of coincidence we have a Lilac tree in our backyard.

Last week on May 30th, three families went together to this Lilac festival. We started early in the morning so as to attend the Parade, which is the main attraction of the day. Lilac is just another 'fair'. I compared this Lilac to fairs in India and I found it very similar. The slide show below will give you proofs of the similarities. Lilac is little sophisticated version of Indian fairs.
Never the less, find below videos and slide show of the event. Sure you are going to enjoy it.


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