Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our Baby.

Wednesday 03rd Feb 2010 brought a sunshine in our life. We, AbhiShilpa, blessed with a baby boy on this day. Both Shilpa and baby are doing well. Baby is looking for blessings from all of you...

I believe slideshow below will make you feel that you were with us all the time on the day of baby's arrival.


Baby Shower (Dohale Jevan)

Life is a mixture of joy and sorrows. After a recession of 2009 we, AbhiShipa, had a good news to share. Shilpa was carrying and a bundle of joy was waiting to arrive in this world. It was a time to have Baby Shower. We had a celebration with small group of friends here... a picture is worth of thousand words. Please see slideshow to have an idea about the celebration.
