Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Engineer? What the hell is that?

It was my dream (oh! say a wish) to work at Fort McMurray… at the heart of Oil & Gas development! Less did I know how different the world will be here. Apart from atmosphere, which is extreme in this region, the people are also very different and some times extreme too. I, now-a-days, am coming in contact with different people with different backgrounds than my regular contacts (white coloured)…… yesterday I was exchanging greetings with a person and he asked me, ‘what do I do for leaving?’ I said… I am a Civil Engineer!!... “What?? What the hell is that?” Was the question from other end. And he started asking in depth about my work. Initially I thought he must be trying to fool me around… but then it was clear to me that he is from another part of the world than I am. Holly crap!! He was a Heavy Hauler Operator!! You probably will ask... what is this Heavy Hauler Operator? I will just say… they are the richest service-persons around here…. highly paid!!

Well long story short….. you never know, what you should expect from the person opposite to you!! And you will be caught by surprise many a times!


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