Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Health Care Insurance.

Health care insurance is always a topic of discussion. Especially when one strikes with some serious ailment. Since, in general, we keep healthy and keeps away from serious diseases... we seldom bother for it in day to day life.

America is now struggling to get their Health care system 'set' and out of the flaws. Obama looks determined and also worried at the same time for the Health care in America. While talking about 1 trillion dollar spending on Health care insurance Obama mentioned... "That's real money, even in Washington," he said. "But remember: That's less than we are projected to have spent on the war in Iraq. And also remember: Failing to reform our health care system in a way that genuinely reduces cost growth will cost us trillions of dollars more in lost economic growth and lower wages."... You may right click here and select 'open in new window' to read more about the NEWS.

Find here a link to the video documentary expressing Health care issues in America. The video is 2 hours long and is informative. It compares various Health care systems with few other nations. It's good to have knowledge about it. Right click here and select 'open in new window' to watch 2 hour long and informative video.

Friends, here, I will like to encourage you to leave your comment(s) on the posting... suggesting what Health care insurances we must have? And what we shall avoid? Which insurance company is better? Where we shall be careful, while opting for an insurance? Your feedback will help many others... so do leave your comment(s) about this serious issue.



Vipin Savai said...

Three cheers to Michael Moore.
Also check out his Farenheight 911.
He is coming up with a new one on BailOut issue.
Check out for this website via google.

Neeraj Gangal said...


You've touched upon a relevant topic. A couple of months back, I came across this article - hope this helps:



AbhiShilpa said...

Thanks Neeraj. The link was informative.. Some of the lines from the article of the link were... "The elders who got the apple adage wrong got the ‘health is wealth’ bit right. For, medical care, which is rarely optional, can drain money at a very fast clip.".... "Critical illness plans work differently from other health insurance covers. They provide financial assistance when one develops a serious aliment such as cancer, or has a stroke. In such cases, a critical illness plan pays the entire sum insured, unlike a health cover, which reimburses the costs."

The article was focused on Indian scenario.... I would expect something global.. since many of us are moving around the world.

I need someone to guide properly about 'Insurance Triangle'. One should understand what it is and how to make it work for us in longer run.
