Thursday, December 31, 2009
2008 Tick-Tick 2010
2009 came with a solid bang of Recession and whole world was shaken up. My small world was also shaken up with the recession. On positive note, recession taught lot of things. What helped me in this difficult time is ‘friendship’. Many extended their helping hand in this difficult time.
I am sure many of us must be thinking if 2009 was not there at all. Well… 2009 is already thing of past now. Let’s hope New Year will bring more hopes and more happiness in our life like never before.
We had a nice get together at Panda's place a day before new year's eve. Please see the slideshow below.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Site has been closed for work and craft has been asked to proceed to Christmas vacation. Slight exposure to this weather will lead to frost bite to exposed skin. We need to be confined to our trailers or houses, be in car or in mall!! Santa is coming with lots of snow and chilly weather!
Merry Christmas to you all.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Diwali and Thanksgiving
This Monday, 12th Oct. was a holiday for 'Thanksgiving' here in Canada. I enjoyed the holiday as any other holiday, without bothering what and why the holiday was for. One of the colleagues was talking to me in office, after the holiday, about his Thanksgiving…. he enjoyed the Thanksgiving with his family and had ‘Turkey’. Turkey is kind of ‘must’ for thanksgiving!! Also he mentioned that Thanksgiving is at the end of Harvesting season!!! OH WELL…… I suddenly realized our Diwali celebration also happens to be at the end of Harvesting season…. what a coincident!! And this year Diwali is just 5 days apart from Thanksgiving.
Last year I related Halloween with ‘Pitru-pakshya’ now is the time for Thanksgiving to Diwali. Is this just a coincident that we are related some way or other with these continents? (Since British ruled most of these continents/ countries)? Whatever it may be this coincident amazed me.
Daylight Saving in Canada.
Out of curiosity I checked on Google for Daylight savings and got some information which cleared my myths and assumptions. First thing, Daylight Savings have ‘Start and End’ pattern. Hence Daylight Time will ‘end’ this winter and not 'began' as I was thinking initially. Second thing… Daylight Saving Time Starts or Ends on Fixed Weekends and at fixed times rather than Fixed ‘dates’.
This information was new to me and hence thought sharing with you all. Hope to have some addition to your knowledge too. Read on the information from net below.
In most of Canada Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. local time on the second Sunday in March. On the first Sunday in November areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. When Daylight Saving Time begins turn your clocks ahead one hour. When Daylight Saving Time ends turn your clocks back one hour.In Newfoundland and Labrador Daylight Saving Time begins one minute after midnight(12:01 a.m.) local time on the second Sunday in March. On the first Sunday in November areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at one minute after midnight (12:01 a.m.) local time. Eastern Standard Time (EST) becomes Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and so forth. Some areas of Canada not using Daylight Saving Time include, Fort St. John, Charlie Lake, Taylor and Dawson Creek in British Columbia, Creston in the East Kootenays, and most of Saskatchewan (except Denare Beach and Creighton).
NEW! In 2007 Daylight Saving Time begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. This pattern will be followed by all provinces which observe daylight saving time and each province has amended their legislation to reflect this change. Previously, Canada had observed Daylight Saving Time from the first Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. This change in Daylight Saving Time will keep Canada's Daylight Saving Time pattern consistent with the United States which enacted into law a broad energy bill that will extend Daylight Saving Time in the same manner.
Canada uses six primary time zones. From east to west they are Newfoundland Time Zone, Atlantic Time Zone, Eastern Time, Central Time Zone, Mountain Time Zone, and the Pacific Time Zone.
Year (DST Begins at 2 a.m.; DST Ends at 2 a.m.)
2005 April 3 -October 30
2006 April 2 -October 29
2007 March 11 -November 4
2008 March 9 -November 2
2009 March 8 -November 1
2010 March 14 -November 7
Note: Newfoundland and Labrador Daylight Saving Time begins and ends one minute after midnight (12:01 a.m.) local time.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Engineer? What the hell is that?
Well long story short….. you never know, what you should expect from the person opposite to you!! And you will be caught by surprise many a times!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Happy Independence Day
Happy Independence Day.
15th August is marked as an Independence day in India's history. I used to get happy, in my childhood, on this day... no wonder since it was a no school day. Slowly I started understanding, what we are celebrating.... an 'Independence' day. That takes me back to Non-Independence era. And when I reads about that time.... 150 years of ruling... 4 to 5 generations of slavery.... I am certainly not happy.
India was not united when Britishers ruled the country. Whatever the case, it makes me sad on this day. We, Indians, fell short to get rid of outsiders for such a long time.
On this day we shall assure ourselves not to get into such a big mistake ever again for next generations. Remember we have not yet reached 150 years of Independence!! Be united and be disciplined.
Jai Bharat.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sikome Weekend
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Health Care Insurance.
America is now struggling to get their Health care system 'set' and out of the flaws. Obama looks determined and also worried at the same time for the Health care in America. While talking about 1 trillion dollar spending on Health care insurance Obama mentioned... "That's real money, even in Washington," he said. "But remember: That's less than we are projected to have spent on the war in Iraq. And also remember: Failing to reform our health care system in a way that genuinely reduces cost growth will cost us trillions of dollars more in lost economic growth and lower wages."... You may right click here and select 'open in new window' to read more about the NEWS.
Find here a link to the video documentary expressing Health care issues in America. The video is 2 hours long and is informative. It compares various Health care systems with few other nations. It's good to have knowledge about it. Right click here and select 'open in new window' to watch 2 hour long and informative video.
Friends, here, I will like to encourage you to leave your comment(s) on the posting... suggesting what Health care insurances we must have? And what we shall avoid? Which insurance company is better? Where we shall be careful, while opting for an insurance? Your feedback will help many others... so do leave your comment(s) about this serious issue.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Lilac Fair- Calgary.
Last week on May 30th, three families went together to this Lilac festival. We started early in the morning so as to attend the Parade, which is the main attraction of the day. Lilac is just another 'fair'. I compared this Lilac to fairs in India and I found it very similar. The slide show below will give you proofs of the similarities. Lilac is little sophisticated version of Indian fairs.
Never the less, find below videos and slide show of the event. Sure you are going to enjoy it.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It's Not All About Money, Honey!!
For the first time, on Sunday, May 24th, I used my P.Eng. stamp. And Monday I got my first pay check of the recession time. Though money is not a matter of interest here, satisfaction do. This job was like few droplets on hot sand desert for me. It gave immense pleasure, momentarily though!
It's not all about money, honey!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Johnston Canyon.
Families of Panda, Mishra, Singh, Savai and Kadam were together to enjoy trail and Pav-Bhaaji. Trail had three destinations out of which we touched two.... Lower Falls and Upper Falls. The falls were beautiful... the sound of water was feeling the atmosphere. Mountains, green trees and stream flowing-by with group of friends around was a perfect combination for enjoyment.
A small break at Banff Garden and we started back to Calgary around six in the evening.
Twelve hours of enjoyment will be sufficient for few more days ahead.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Badlands- Drumheller.
Hoodoos were really interesting to see. You can see the photographs of Hoodoos at the end of Slide show below. Hoodoos are natural formation of soil columns over the period of time due to erosion by flowing water. This area is rich for coal too. We could see coal bands (layers) on the hills.
Overall it was nice and enjoyable trip.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bright Day.
Have a look at a glimpse of the garden. Enjoy the slide show.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Padawa- Hindu New Year.
As per the ancient literature this day is known as Birthday of mother earth. As per the Vedas the life of the earth is predicted to be 4.32 billion years and as per recent technology the life of the earth is predicted to be 4.6 billion. Given the choice I will love to believe our Vedas... as I think Vedas are more accurate and more developed than recent technology. Well....
Seven families met on pot-luck and celebrated this New Year at Pasalkar's house. It was fun filled evening with variety of food and variety of games to play. Hope this New Year (Padawa) will bring Happiness and prosperity in everyone's life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nano- A Grocery car.
Nano has hit the news in Canada too. Right Click here and select 'Open in New Tab' Or 'Open In New Window', to see the news video.... be patient with the advertisement and you might not continue with more videos lined-up next to Nano News video.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring is here. And everyone is eagerly waiting for summer. For last few days the temperature been so weired. For some days the temperature was about -30degrees and suddenly next day it was +7degrees! We, AbhiShilpa, went out for a walk that day. Some guys took their motor bikes out and started roaming around. Young... adolescent were shouting and enjoying out on roads while keeping car window glass open!
Now again, the temperature fall down to -7degrees. All are waiting for May to come and waiting to come out of the holes!
Sitting here, I can oversee the LRT parking lot. Today the parking lot is quite empty. Why? Oh yes... from today they (Calgary Transit) started charging for parking. Cad 3 per day. People are indicating and showing that these charges are unreasonable. ....... the parking lot is quite empty on the first day of the charge collection.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Good Or Bad? Gandhi and Mallya!
At first instance, I was glad and felt good. Then I started thinking how those belongings were not in India but elsewhere. Indian governments all efforts went futile and those heritage items were put on 'auction'!!!! Vijay Mallya, not for the first time, brought back those heritage items for 1.8 million dollars.
Bravo! Salute to Mallya.
Now Good or Bad...... Mallya is famous for his liquor business.... Kingfisher!! And so many other businesses!... shall I talk about Kingfisher calender? Gandhi-ji.... bapu-ji were against alcoholic beverages!! Ironically king of liquors brought back his (Gandhi-ji's), now heritage, items back to India.
Time has changed and most of us uses alcohol with caution..... shall we say cheers on return of Gandhi-ji's belongings to India??
Mallya also has got Tipu Sultan's Sword and other items back to India....... First up all, these items are stolen or looted from India and we kept mum!! .... Kohinoor..... it is still not back to India..... Mallya, please try for this item too!! I am not fan of Kingfisher however if yo are doing these things then I will buy at least one bottle of Kingfisher for these good reasons!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
P. Eng.- Alberta
It was long awaited certification. It took longer than expected... around 15 months from date of exam... in normal scenario it should take 4 to 7 months!! Uhhh...... it was long awaited!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Jay Ho- Oscar Nomination.
Since then I listened 'Jay Ho' repeatedly.... I liked other songs from Slumdog Millionaire than Jay Ho. Oh yes! May be I do not have ear for music! I was curios to know 'why Jay Ho is nominated to Oscar now?', 'there must be something which I am not able to understand.' And let's find it out.
I went on to Google to find out.... out of search results I read Shekhar Kapoor's article on his web page. To my surprise, he also has similar views for Jay Ho and in his openion A R Rahman has created far more better music in the past... he also has a point, 'we (Indians) shall not depend on West World's certification for any one's talent.' I totally agree to this thought. We,.... WE, are far better in many sectors than the West World..... why do we forget we have cultural base (sanskruti) since more than 1000 years. This West World do not have Cultural base and their history goes only for few hundred years.
We need to come out of Western Hype and have to project our own self to the world. Let's judge world's music and other things and let's issue awards and certificates from India! Why not? Are we not deserved? Are we not capable? Are we not united?..... United???... hmmm..... Just think!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Leisure Time
Shilpa had 3 days holiday and 3 days just flew away with friends. Had some light moments on Ice Skating rink with friends on this Sunday. This was my first visit to Ice Rink and it really tempted me to go skating. May be in future sometime I shall definitely try. This time I am behind camera. Find below a slide show of the moments!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
All In A Month.
I used to hear about lay offs in USA. The figures were in thousands. Reading news, never gave a feeling.... how it is. Being in the soup.... I felt the heat.
The good thing is that lot of friends came forward and extended helping hand to find alternate job or to suggest alternate ways of income etc. Whether things are working or not.... important thing is, having a helping hand at difficult time.
Thanks to all for your continued support.
26 January.
Last few days were busy days and hence this post is little late after b'day.
Here are some pictures of the b-day.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Dola Re Dola
Enjoy the performance and do not forget to leave your encouraging comments.
Note:- To get the better quality Video please turn "Scaling" to "Off" available on Right Top Corner of Maximized Video.
This group dance is performed on 27th December 2008 in Year End Celebration held at Willow Community Centre.
The dance was performed by Neha, Sneha Sakshi & Dipal.
This video is 4 min and 47 seconds long. 3 video cameras were used to shoot this dance. To edit the video it took more than 9 hours in total. If we had proper editing and mixing tools it would have taken much-much more less time and efforts. Well.... this information is just to let you know the efforts taken and nothing else.
Kudos to all girls too. Nice perforance.
Video Edited by:- Shilpa Kadam
Left Camera :- Suraj, Right Camera:- Pallav, Central Camera :- Abhijit.
Dr. Telkikar who is now retired is visiting his son here in Calgary. He presented us an invaluable gift i.e. a book written by himself, named Dreamland..... Dreamland is collection of his memories while he was visiting America for the first time. Dr. Telkikar had very successful career as Doctor and has spent most of his time in cities like Mumbai and Pune (not to forget he purposely got transferred to his home town to serve his people from Nanded). And this book, he has written from a villager's point of view or say common man's point of view.
We, AbhiShilpa, really appreciate his new venture, writing and publishing a book. We, here, want to encourage him to do some more in the field.... we are here to follow your footsteps.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Year End Celebration 2008- Dated 27th Dec 2008
Sure, we all enjoyed the Year End Celebration here in Calgary. Total 34 families were assembled at Willow Park Community Centre on 27th Dec 2008. On behalf of Organising Committee, we, AbhiShilpa, are posting the Slide Show of the event below. We need your valuable feed back about the event and any suggestions for future events from you. Please leave your comments by clicking on a tab "Leave your Comments Here" located below this posting. We expect comments from all 34 participating families. Those who have already communicated their feedback may copy-paste their e-mail contents here again so that everyone can read it. The comment section of this blog can be used as Discussion Thread.
If anyone want to be Anonymous then this facility is also available while you post your comment.
Other readers may also leave their comments.
Please enjoy the slide show. The Photographs were taken by Anbu Chezhianc.
Wishing You A Happy And Prosperous New Year.
00:00:01 Hurrey..........
We, AbhiShilpa, Vipin-Sapana family and Vikas, enjoyed the 31st evening with snacks like Batata (Aalu) Vada, Idali Sambar-Chatni and Shev Puri etc. We watched Ghajini (hindi movie) on this New Year Eve.
It was Marriage anniversary of Sapana's parents on 1st of Jan. And it was celebrated with cake at mid-night. Find some snaps of last night here. You can see me, Abhijit, flexing some muscles, in Amir Khan style!!! (Something for your giggle)