Sunday, December 7, 2008

X-mas Party.

X-mas is coming and parties are on, all over the city. My (Shilpa) manager, Shelley, had thrown a party at her place for all colleagues. It was a nice break in office time. She is living on outskirt of the city in cosy atmosphere. Here are some snaps of the party. Also attaching herewith some snaps of my workstation.



Anonymous said...

X-mas party has made Blog more colorful. Nice decoration & all r looking rocking…..

Merry Christmas to you all and N’joy !!!

AbhiShilpa said...

Thanks for your comment "Anonymous". It's little difficult to say any further since I do not know who has put this comment.
My suggestion:- when you have nothing adverse to say then you shall disclose your identity. No Harm.... isn't it?