Yes!!! The first snow of the year!!
Welcome winter. The first snow of the year has made appearance yesterday. It was snowing since night of 4th November. Though the snow this year is late, it is said that there will be heavy snowing in this year.
Here are some snaps taken for the 'First Snow Of The Season- 2008'.

The fourth snap of "First Snow Of The Season- 2008." showing the snow covered ground and trees is the one I have some comment on. U can see that the snow looks grey instead of white!! To take a photo of white snow as white it is, you need to expose the snap at one stop higher exposer than your automatic cameras exposer suggestion. How to do that? First take a reading of the exposer with automatic system on. Then go to manual metering mode and increase exposer by one stop. Take the snap. Now you can see that u have recorded a white snow as white snow, not a grey one. Do not use flash!!! I can see that u have used flash.
Will wait to see white coloured snow in your blog soon!!!!
Now that is a comment from an expert. It reflects your knowledge and interest in photography. (My mind goes back in 2000... we traveled together from Mumbai to Pune and shared lot of things... you had expressed your liking towards traveling.... well!!!)
Yes I do agree with you. I am planning to read the camera manual... I am struggling to find time out of my routine. I have to experiment lot many things with my camera. Please keep suggesting me better ways... I will, for sure, try to implement an assimilate the suggestions.
And yes.... I do remember your long mail... you had shared your first experience of the snow. I do not remember the place, where you were residing that time. However I do remember your excitements and expressions.
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